quarta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2012

English class in CCL mod.4 show class by professor Mario Eduardo

we had an amazing class  with students presentation ! we enjoed too much  with some moments of fun during the class . we also start the project of having a song every class and we combined to be  learning with  songs.

2 comentários:

  1. We should tell somebody, who has an instrument, to drive to the class.It would be interesting if we do this too.This way, the class would leave to be boring.I have to be sincere, the classes of level 6 are becoming boring.We must do something like what is showed in this video, to change this sintuation.kkkkkkk.I just about sleep when we are just doing and currecting those exercices(and we spend to much time to do such simple thing).ah and one more thing.Let's keep doing the oral criation of senteces every class.As you saiad before, To learn a leguage we have to be creative and this oral criation is one of the best ways.Srry if I said something wich you didn't like.It was just a criticize. Perhaps the other students will agry with me.

  2. Excellent initiative, certainly improves learning. Congratulations to the class!
