segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2013

Critical Thinking

this mean what I would like you should acquire after facing a literature, estimated academics ! Mário Eduardo

quinta-feira, 14 de março de 2013

That's What she said!

That's what she said   When a male wants to share with his friends that he was with a girl   

The most versatile joke on Earth.
"I think we can fit that in with the rest of them."
"That's what she said."

"Make sure it's long enough."
"That's what she said!"

"It hurts a little but it's not too bad."

"John, we're concerned about your drinking."


a phrase used to turn a simple comment into a sexual joke
"its so hard!" .. "that's what she said"
more complex: "every time i pull it out i almost break my back" .. "that's what she said"
that's what she said

1. Used to add sexual innuendo to a conversation.
2. When a male wants to share with his friends that he was with a girl (whether her was or not), he will respond to a phrase that sets up "that's what she said..." as funny or sexual.
3. To imply that what is being talked about was actually a sexual statement and that a girl agreed to said statement in the recent past.
4. Something people say after a phrase is said by someone else to add emphasis.
5. A phrase said by one male to another after a story about her was told to imply that he was with the first male's girl after him.
guy 1: wow, that's a really big spear!
guy 2: that's what she said!

guy 1: man, my girl was hot last night!
guy 2: that's what she said!
Four simple words that can be used as a reply to a sexually suggestive comment. Known to make people laugh their asses off.
Example A: In the classroom, talking about a test.

Student A "Wow, that's really hard!"
Student B "That's what she said!"

Example B: Talking about a fragile object

Man A "Pull it out slowly."
Man B "That's what she said!"

Example C: At a hotel, describing the room key

Clerk "Put it in, then take it out fast."
Man "That's what she said!"

terça-feira, 12 de março de 2013

como se diz bermudas

Como é bom pensar nas férias, não é mesmo? Nada melhor do que um ambiente tranqüilo, sol, praia, bermuda e chinelo. Que tal passar essas férias no Caribe, lá nas Bermudas? Não seria o máximo? Só não se confunda na hora de falar “bermuda” e “Bermudas”. O nome desse território inglês geralmente se grafa sem o “S” final: “BERMUDA”. Trata-se de uma homenagem ao descobridor desse arquipélago, o espanhol Juan de Bermúdez. Observe que, embora seja correta, a forma “BERMUDAS” é menos comum. Por outro lado, para se referir ao calção mais comprido, que se estende quase até o joelho, diga “BERMUDAS” ou “BERMUDA SHORTS”, uma referência à colônia britânica.

Informações Turisticas

  • O escritório de informações turísticas fica perto daqui.
  • The tourist information office is near here.
  • Posso te ajudar?
  • Can I help you?
  • Hoje nós vamos visitar o Mercado Municipal.
  • Today we’re going to visit the Municipal Market.
  • Quanto tempo leva?
  • How long does it take?
  • Saímos às 7 h.
  • We leave at 7 o’clock.
  • Voltamos às 18 h.
  • We return at 6 pm.
  • Cuidado com trombadinhas.
  • Be careful of pickpockets.
  • Leve uma cópia do seu passaporte.
  • Take a copy of your passport.
  • Deixe coisas valiosas no cofre do hotel.
  • Leave valuables in the hotel safe.
  • O almoço está incluso no preço.
  • Lunch is included in the price.
  • Haverá tempo livre para compras.
  • There’ll be free time for shopping.
  • A loja de presentes fica ali.
  • The gift shop’s there.
  • Sigam-me!
  • Follow me!
  • Vocês podem tirar fotos.
  • You can take photos.
  • Foi construído/a em 1837.
  • It was built in 1837.
  • Esta obra é de Portinari.
  • This work is by Portinari.
  • Podemos ir a pé.
  • We can walk.
  • Podemos ir de van.
  • We can go by van.
  • Não está aberto/a ao público.
  • It’s not open to the public.
  • Qual é o horário de funcionamento?
  • What are the opening times?
  • O museu abre às 10h e fecha às 16h.
  • The museum opens at 10 am and closes at 4 pm.
  • O guia (livro) é gratuito.
  • The guidebook is free.
  • Tem acesso para cadeira de rodas.
  • There’s wheelchair access.
  • Os banheiros ficam ali.
  • The toilets are there.

quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2013

what can I give you is this ....

see my dearest pupils and then post your comments saying what you think ... I don't mind if your comments can be positive or negative about, the important thing is : you are active! that is it.

segunda-feira, 4 de março de 2013

terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013

brain music is a kind of music that  help you to concetrate in work and  try to focus your attention to things you are doing. if you have one opinion about whatever it is , try to explore it writting here the thouths about it. what you think? I'm waiting your coments about! in english only !

Category: Music - Artist: Margriet Eshuijs - : Self Pity -year: 1978 -  - Margriet Eshuijs she is a   holland pop singer . she was born in  Zaandam, in    octuber of 1952. in 1978,"Self Pity"was a great success in Brasil .

segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013

Westlife is the best boy band to come out of Ireland and this is gorgeous but no more covers please!!!
light up my life ! please sing with me and tell me after what you 've  felt!